Asia Day of Action to #EndCoal

Energy demand in Asia is projected to further increase in the coming years.  To address the global goal to keep global warming temperature rise to below 1.5C, it is crucial that Asian energy needs be provided through renewable energy sources instead of coal and other fossil fuels.

Years of resistance and campaigning have resulted in major wins in the fight against coal in many parts of the world. The past two decades saw a downtrend in global operating coal capacity and consumption. However, coal is now staging a comeback. A total of 69.5 GW of coal power came online globally in 2023, resulting in the highest net increase in operating coal capacity since 2016. Total global capacity in pre-construction also increased by 6% in 2023. 

We have to act immediately to stop the threat of a resurgence of new coal. In addition, we also need to take on the challenge of a rapid and just phaseout of existing coal, including abated coal and captive coal.  


Stop new coal, including off-grid Captive Coal, which is being developed in China and India, as well as in Bangladesh, Indonesia, Japan, Pakistan, the Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam.  
Immediately end direct and indirect financing of new coal, including funding through intermediaries and investment corporations.    
Permanent coal bans in Asian countries instead of temporary moratoriums.
Higher targets and faster timelines for coal phase-out; Early closure commitments for all coal plants; Immediate closure of identified coal plants.
No to false solutions and greenwashing.
Climate finance delivery by the Global North for a rapid, equitable and just transition out of coal and all fossil fuels and direct transition to 100% renewable energy systems.
For more information, check these slides and this background document.